I really wanted to write a nice tribute to my awesome mom and the wonderful example that she is, but I just didn't find the time. I guess I was busy being a mom. And I truly do love being a mom. Some might say what can you possibly learn by the time you have your 7th that you don't already know, but I will try to share a few things.
Jordan taught me all about the logistics of the job. They cry and you take care of them. It really is as simple as that. It still happens when they get older, they just cry for different reasons, but Mom can still make them feel better. She also taught me about looking for the good things in life. Stop and smell the roses occasionally and enjoy the ride to the vacation spot!
Brooke continues to remind me I don't know much about parenting! When she was born, I read all the baby books and decided that I knew what I was doing and we were going to be the perfect mom/daughter combo. We were going to follow all of the schedules and life was going to be great. A month after Brooke turned 1, my dad died and I was force to look at life a little more realistically. I realize that I lost a year of my baby's life because I was so busy reading books to tell me how to be a good mom. I got rid of the books and magazine subscriptions and enjoyed my baby. Brooke can make a friend anywhere and kids at the library weren't afraid to start conversations with her. I should make myself more approachable like her.
Sadie, what can I say more. I decided that if I was going to be doing this for a good portion of my life I better learn to enjoy it. And I did! All of it!!
After 3 girls, I just planned on more of them. I did girls and I was getting good at it, why mess up a good thing. Trevor taught me about loving boys and appreciating the differences in life.
Blake taught me that Heavenly Father answers our sincere prayers when we are willing to give all we can to Him. I always knew that if we were going to have 1 boy, I really wanted to have 2 so that they would have each other.
McKenzie was the baby girl I craved when I had to sort through the baby clothes to see what I could use with Trevor. Not many pink transfers over, but onsies and burp rags worked well. I knew one day I would be able to use my pink again and I thoroughly enjoyed it when it happened. We thought she was the end, (ok maybe I thought it) and spoiled her rotten. Even the big girls helped enjoy this baby. It is a good thing she is naturally sweet.
My baby Dakota taught me humility. After having a miscarriage after Kenzie, I had to rethink the done part. I had lost weight and was finally feeling good about myself when I found out I was pregnant. Gary had gone to CA and so was completely unaware of my schedule and so I told him the news for Father's Day. The following week I miscarried and had to reevaluate my attitude. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me a second chance and sending our Kodee. She is fun and silly and has a mind of her own.
So, there are lots of reasons we celebrate Mother's Day and pay tribute to the women out there. And I am glad to be a part of the celebration. I love you, Mom and I love being one also.
Well it's a good thing I'm not wearing any makeup, because it would be all gone by now! Thanks for the wonderful post. I love you, Mom.