Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Baby Bentley

Brooke had her baby on Sept. 16. 6#9oz. She sure is a cute little thing. Brooke is doing amazing. She is such a good little mommy. I'm so proud of her and that the nursing is going so well. It is so different being the grandma and not the mom while having a newborn in the house. We had scheduled the shower for the 17th, but that didn't happen so we had it on the 24th. We are surrounded by such good people. I almost want another baby so someone will make me a beautiful blanket, but I guess I can just get my act together and make myself one. Thanks to everyone for making it so special for Brooke and showing her how many people love her.

Sadie's doodling:
View from labor/delivery room:
New Mommy and baby:

Taylor Brown & Kodee:
Proud Grandpa:

Even Bentley is happy to be here.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy 23rd Anniversary to Us!

It is so weird to think of where we were so many years ago. I didn't realize where I'd be at this point in my life, so I'm just going to list some of the changes that have taken place.

I didn't know that we would have 7 of the most beautiful children.
I didn't know that we would be grandparents already...we're still young aren't we?
I didn't know of the joy that comes when you take a child to the Temple.
I didn't know that we'd be living so far away from where we were raised.
I didn't know that we'd be so overweight....we can still fix this!!!!!
I didn't know that Gary would have already had a heart attack.
I didn't know that I would be so much more in love than I was on our wedding day!

It's amazing that we still feel so young and yet it is such a deeper love than I ever thought existed. I'm so grateful that families are forever. Thanks, Gary for the years behind us and the many ahead.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


The kids don't really get to enjoy searching for eggs until after church on 9 a.m. years, but they do peek at what the Easter Bunny has left them. It is getting a lot less dramatic around here, but the girlies still enjoy it quite a bit. The rest of us just enjoy the fruits of their labors...we all love creme eggs! Here's a couple of pics of the girls and their stuffed animals and playing around like bunny rabbits.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Facing Reality

I have a lot of catching up to do. I have just been dragging my feet because there seems to be so much to write about. A lot of it brings up so many emotions that I have been really avoiding it, not that it is anyone's business, but for my posterity it should all be out there on the table.
Just as we were getting used to the idea of having a son-in-law, we found out we were going to be grandparents. I had such a hard time trying to sort my feelings of joy over the good decisions that one daughter was making while struggling to make sense of the bad choices another one was making. I wanted them both to feel loved, not just for their choices but just because they were my daughters. I also didn't want all the attention taken away from Jordan on her wedding day. I had to take one day at a time and just let things take their course. We've come a long way. This is how Brooke looks today:
Almost 8 mos.

It's kind of hard not to say how cute she looks. We sit on my bed at night watching Criminal Minds and feeling the little baby girl inside her move around. It is still hard to know what the future holds, but back in December I was afraid of losing my daughter forever and though we have had a rough 6 months, I feel like I have her back. A lot of the conference talks reminded me that our trials refine us, make us stronger, teach us to be humble and help us on our path to become more like our Savior. Isn't that what this life is for? My daughter having a baby isn't the end. There are still eternal goals to be set and lessons to be learned and good times to be had. We just have to endure some of the bumps on our path of life. And right now we are looking forward to seeing this sweet baby girl that has helped my daughter see that Heavenly Father knows what is best for each of us.

P.S. Thank you to the wonderful people that have surrounded us, lifted us and eased our burdens. Your prayers and words of encouragement mean more to us than you will ever know.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Forever Family starts here:

We've been so busy with wedding business that blogging about it just hasn't been a priority. We are having a hard time figuring out how we got from this:

to this:
in such a short time. It feels like this was us just yesterday. Only I feel like our love is so much deeper now.

Gary drove out to Maryland with Brooke, Sadie, Trevor, Blake and Mckenzie while Kodee and I flew with Niki. They had lots of adventures including snow and 90 degree weather in the same day, while I got to visit the airplane restroom 3 times on the way to D.C. Kodee thought they were pretty cool. Me...not so much. Gary took the kids to the Smithsonian, the zoo and we all went to the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. The boys went to the International Spy Museum and from Trevor up went to the Holocaust Museum. We enjoyed having Natalia hanging out with us for the week. I'm pretty sure she went home to her family and told them how goofy we all are. It was really a lot of fun.
It was so nice to stay at Kevin's parent's home. We were hoping to play hide & seek but were sure they might call off the wedding due to our weirdness. It gave us a chance to get to know the family that our daughter will be a part of. It was so rewarding to see their whole family in the temple together and something that we are so looking forward to some day. What an awesome sealing ceremony. The spirit was so strong and I could feel their posterity surrounding them. I'm sure that I have only felt a portion of the joy that our Father in Heaven feels as an eternal family is formed. It has been hard to realize that my baby is not coming back to my home again, but it is a lot like sending your child off to kindergarten. I thought that it would get easier with each one, but I still cried (and occasionally still do) when I took #6. I know that they were meant to be together and that they make each other happy. When my kids are happy, I am happy! The day was so beautiful even with the rain and I am grateful that I have taught Jordan to be a strong individual and to follow the promptings of the spirit. I am also thankful for the man that Kevin is. We tried so hard to get him to say some silly comments for her bridal shower but he wouldn't have any part of it. He even got emotional and you can just feel the love he has for Jordan. When I get sad about having to let go of her, I feel peace in knowing that he cares for her. I think of where Gary & I are today and realize that I would never want to take the opportunity from my kids of having the joy I feel with my eternal companion. I truly am learning more about how Heavenly Father feels about us every day.
Congratulations to the beautiful/handsome couple.....Dad says almost as good looking as we are!!! May you have eternal happiness always!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cross Country Skiing

Sadie and Trevor both had the opportunity to go with the Young Women and Young Men in our ward (not together). Sadie went on Feb. 4-5 and Trevor went Feb. 11-12. Gary didn't go with them because he had to take a weekend in both Feb. and March for soccer tournaments and then the time off that we will need in April for the wedding. They both had a blast and we are grateful to such good leaders and friends that spent the time with them.

Sadie's pics:

Trevor's pics:

Friday, February 11, 2011


It was Blake's birthday on Wed. I just can't believe that he is 10. It is amazing how quickly time flies. We call him our ADD child because most of the time he is in a world of his own. We know that it isn't true because he will entertain himself for hours in his room when he is supposed to be cleaning it. He is very silly. We have laughed for hours at some of the videos he has made of himself when no one else is around. He is also fascinated with knowing how and why things work the way they do. That also means that his mind goes crazy when he can't understand why he has a certain punishment or when things seem unfair to him. Blake loves anything electronic. Computers, Wii, cell phones, ipods, anything. He likes to hold the GPS that I got for Christmas while we are driving around in the car. He is amused by some of the oddest things, but he also recognizes some very interesting things as he is quietly observing the world around him. A couple of months ago we were driving to his soccer game up in Heber and it was only me, him, and Kodee (because no one wanted to be stuck watching her). We actually talked the whole drive, both ways. I remember that they were really interesting topics, and since Kodee was asleep, I turned the radio down and just savored the time together. Most days don't find a lot of 1 on 1 in our house, so I remind myself to enjoy these moments when they present themself. Blake is a good kid. He loves to play with friends. And he is very smart. I asked Heavenly Father that if He was ever going to send me a boy, please send me 2, so that they will have each other. I have to remind myself that Blake is living proof that our prayers are answered.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Science Fair Project....

is done for another year!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Do Nothing Day

Keea is huge and only a few of us can control her. She is getting better when no one is around.

I decided not to clean today. These are some of the things I did instead:

Ok. I did vacuum the living room, did the dishes, and folded clothes. I also went to Sadie's soccer game this morning. She won. Trevor won his game yesterday also. Too bad I was driving back and forth instead of watching him. I really love to watch my children and their accomplishments.

Gary went to the BYU vs. San Diego State game on Wed. He said it was the best game he's ever been to. When he got home he stayed up till wee hours of the morning helping Trevor get his Science Fair project done, because I refused to help with it when T picked out his project. This is what I found when I got up the next morning:

I don't think it had anything to do with T's project!!!! But Gary did say that I'd got "Jimmered" whatever that means. Looking forward to Sunday, Church and our day of rest and time with the family with not much else on the agenda until Mon. when the chaos starts all over again.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meeting Kevin

Jordan and Kevin came to visit this past weekend. For Family Home Evening, we took a vote to see if he could be in our family and these are the comments that were made:

Kodee: Kevin's not a grill, he's a boy!
Kenzie: I gave him a hug!
Blake: Who's Kevin?
Trevor: He's funny and friendly. Needs a little work on his funny faces.
Sadie: He fits right in.
Brooke: Well......I suppose he's alright. He's pretty cool, but don't tell him I said that.
Gary: Dude, is that my jacket?
Me: It was very comfortable.

The kids were all really excited to meet him, so we stayed up late on Thurs. night. It was a good thing that was the only school night, because we stayed up late every night. Kenzie couldn't take it Friday night and fell asleep on the edge of the couch. Good thing we noticed rather quickly and carried her to bed. It was nice to have Sanae take their engagement pictures on Fri. and Jordan's dress was done being altered, so we were able to pick that up as well. Some major items to cross off the list.
As parents we were a little anxious about meeting Kevin and who was taking our daughter from us, but it went quite well. I kept looking for reasons not to like him, but really couldn't find any. He just fit right into our family and we had so much fun. Watching them reminded me of when Gary and I were engaged and so giddy for each other, o.k. sometimes we still act like that. But they were so cute together and I'm glad they make each other happy. We can't ask for more than that!

We also had a lesson on Temple Marriage from the FHE manual. It talked about some of the qualities that we need to have in a marriage and a sense of humor was actually in there. At least we have something going for us!!!!
Ok, Kevin, the vote was unanimous, you're in!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sleeper Sisters

Brooke is the only one who doesn't own one, so she borrowed Sadie's!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

We went out to dinner New Year's night. It's always fun for us and nice to have all the food hot and ready at the same time and no clean up!!! I love it except for the cost. We also had them bring ice cream for Kodee's birthday.

And it is nice for us to read our last year's goals and make new ones. This is something we always do the first FHE in Jan. I'm really proud to say that as a family we were able to finish reading the Old Testament. It has taken us 3 years to read it cover to cover. Now we have moved on to the New Testament. Our goal is to finish around August and then have time to read the Book of Mormon in the last couple of months of the year. Obviously we have set several individual goals and a few more family goals, but it really is nice to evaluate where we are as a family and where we are headed.